L'Art numérique
Le scripte ( fonction )
For PowerShell version 4 or plus
function Convert-ImageToAsciiArt
# character height:width ratio
[float]$ratio = 2 # 1.5
# load drawing functionality
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Drawing
# characters from dark to light
$characters = '$#H&@*+;:-,. '.ToCharArray()
$c = $characters.count
# load image and get image size
$image = [Drawing.Image]::FromFile($path)
[int]$maxheight = $image.Height / ($image.Width / $maxwidth)/ $ratio
# paint image on a bitmap with the desired size
$bitmap = new-object Drawing.Bitmap($image,$maxwidth,$maxheight)
# use a string builder to store the characters
[System.Text.StringBuilder]$sb = ""
# take each pixel line...
for ([int]$y=0; $y -lt $bitmap.Height; $y++){
# take each pixel column...
for ([int]$x=0; $x -lt $bitmap.Width; $x++){
# examine pixel
$color = $bitmap.GetPixel($x,$y)
$brightness = $color.GetBrightness()
# choose the character that best matches the
# pixel brightness
[int]$offset = [Math]::Floor($brightness*$c)
$ch = $characters[$offset]
if (-not $ch){ $ch = $characters[-1] }
# add character to line
$null = $sb.Append($ch)
# add a new line
$null = $sb.AppendLine()
# clean up and return string
$Path = "C:\......."
$OutPath = "C:\........txt"
Convert-ImageToAsciiArt -Path $Path -MaxWidth 100 |
Set-Content -Path $OutPath -Encoding UTF8
Invoke-Item -Path $OutPath
30.04.2023 23h45
Origine file (your format)

Sortie d'image en format txt